Monday, August 9, 2010

57 - It's so peaceful, listening to the big cats.

Day 57.

Angela and all 3 of us interns today- Matt, Rayna, & I. Tau was up and playing with his metal keg- batting it around and watching it roll. :) We went out into the pens and I walked one of the fencelines and also spread out meat chunks! Tau & Sarabi don't fight much over food anymore, so they can have this kind of enrichment now! I climbed a tree to hide one- hehe. Quart called while I was in the pen and the Lions started caroling! She got to hear it over the phone! I let Tau out and he stopped to sniff a chicken that Natasha got last night for dinner- she didn't eat much of it. He couldn't reach it since it was in her room, so he just tried to claw under the chain-link fence. Finally they went out.

We went to let Brown Bears out next. The Grizzly boys were snuggling again. :) They are so cute! Oso came over for some love, then went back to his spot and plopped down again- he's not a morning bear! Matt & I walked the boys yard to clean it and throw out breakfast for them. The girls have been digging another cave! Actually I think it's mostly Claire. It is in the pond though, like a cove cave. We went in to check it out- don't want it to crumble in on them! The roof was pretty solid, just one little hole in the top- like a skylight. I also went into the tunnels that the bears cross through, under the road. haha. Took a pic of myself, too!

Rayna & I went back to clean the Lion hut. On the way there I saw the baby Guanaco, Carmella, nursing! Cleaning the Lion hut was very messy with feathers from chickens that they got last night. ew. After cleaning I went to QB alone to prepare all of the Bear meals. I did it pretty fast and efficiently, although my fingers got so cold from unwrapping so many frozen meat packages. Rayna came to pick me up and we gave the Brown Bears midday enrichments: boxes with teriyaki sauce and boxes with Italian dressing. They like getting boxes to sniff and tear. While driving to lunch there were Bison in the road (common) and a little baby one too! cute! I also glimpsed the baby Zebra at a feeder with some of its herd.

After lunch we discovered that one of us was to sit in Cheetah Lodge for the rest of the day. Rayna volunteered because she used to intern with Cheetahs and loves talking about them with people that pass by. But I love Tower/Lodge shifts and she had taken my Lion one a couple days earlier. So I ended up getting it! YAY! I walked up the hill to get there. Ellie was there! Sometimes she is leashed up there for a break. I pet her and brushed her and threw a toy to her which she ignored and just relaxed near her. I sat on the porch of the Lodge for a little bit with Ellie beside me. Haha- sitting on a porch with a dog sleeping next to me while watching Cheetahs! Ellie slept in the sun for a little bit. Hermano the Cheetah was in the pen in front of the Lodge. He was walking around a lot so the cars that passed by got a good view. One vehicle to pass was a freight truck! No cargo on back. It looked like maybe a father and daughter. Maybe a trucker who stopped in for a wildlife adventure while on the road with his daughter. At 4:25 Ellie was picked up by the Cheetah intern to go for a walk and then to her pen for the night. boohoo... I read my book for the rest of the shift. When the Cheetahs were being fed I heard the Tigers chuffing- I guess they knew it was nearing dinner time. I heard the Lions all carol FIVE TIMES! ^_^ I stood outside on the veranda one of the times and just thought how cool it was to be sitting here in the beautiful surroundings, looking at Cheetahs and listening to Lions roar in the distance.

Bye for now...

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