Saturday, July 3, 2010

21 days - Lots of visitors!

Day 21. Saturday, July 3.

This morning we didn't have to go to the park until 8am (a whole 1/2 hour late!). There was a "Breakfast with the Bears" scheduled at 8:30am though, so we had to put the lions out really quickly before meeting the people for this encounter. (Remember, the lions go out first because they are at the beginning of the drive thru, and we don't want anybody to miss seeing the lions!)
"Breakfast with the Bears" is a special private encounter in which the group gets to come and watch us wake up the Brown Bears, spread their enrichment breakfast in the yards with us, and watch us let the bears out. They also get a small breakfast from us- donuts & orange juice today!

I actually thought it'd be gross for them to come in the hut to wake up the bears cuz it always smells in the morning: defecation, squished up food, stuffy air! But since the bears got that old Keeno hay last night, it actually didn't smell so bad! haha! It must have absorbed the odors. :)

So the group was a van full of relatives, but only 4 signed up. Those 4 included the grandpa, dad, and two young boys of about 3 and 5. Very cute! The older boy was so interested and amazed! The younger one was a little timid, but still enjoyed himself. So the 4 came into the hut with us (the rest stayed in the van parked right outside), and saw the bears waking up- the boys were still stretched out and cuddling together, and the girls were just laying down like blobs. :) Once we introduced the bears (and checked on them), we went out to let the people spread enrichment. We handed them buckets of produce and cherries and they could put the food wherever they liked, all around the yards. They actually did a really good job! When I drove around later I spotted some very clever hiding places they'd put the fruit! :) The older boy was so excited about this! They finished, and then we secured the yards and let the bears out. The people could all drive around the bear exhibit for as long as they wanted. They took advantage of this and stayed for probably at least 30 minutes! :) Matt & I were cleaning the hut when they finally drove off. The old Keeno hay was a bit awkward to pick up and rinse away, but it didn't take too long. Guess what we did next, after all our cleaning efforts? CLEANED THE LION HUT! It wasn't too bad though.. I got to do the hose work, so didn't tire myself out with the scrubbing. hehe.

We finally got to eat, but it was a quick lunch because we were to meet Valerie to do a Lion 101 encounter. I drove the group in our van, down to the lion exhibit. There were 14 people! During the encounter we park and let the guests get out and stand near the lion fences while we train the lions. Well, the park was crowded today and several people got the wrong impression and thought they could just freely get out of their vehicles and join our group! OH NO!! Matt & I had to keep asking them to get back in their cars, and if they wanted an encounter like this then they should see Guest Services. :) One lady actually got back out of her car a few minutes later! UGH! And, we think it was the same people, but we heard a radio call a bit later that someone was getting out of their car near the giraffes! It was perfect timing to have been those same people. sheesh... (and yes, there are signs all around that say to stay in your car!)

Matt & I headed up to QB to grab the Brown Bear dinners and go set up their food in the hut. Then we ran by QB again to cut some meat chunks for another Lion 101 encounter! This group was really cool and talkative. :) It also included two guys who were going to join us later on a "Lion/Bear feed". When we finished the lion encounter they said "see ya later!". I think this whole group was so nice! And very interested in what we were presenting! :)

Before we did the next encounter, we stopped by QB AGAIN, this time to do..........................dishes........................... then we met up with the two guys to take them on the "Lion/Bear feed" encounter. This is where they come along with us when we put the Lions in their hut and feed them, and then bring the Brown Bears in their hut and watch them eat. The guys were utterly amazed! They loved the vibration feeling when all the Lions roar after their meals, and the lip-smacking that the Bears do when they eat. It was so fun for all of us!
and that was it!

Now I have the next THREE days off to spend with Nick & his parents! ^_^ YAAAAAY!!!

Bye for now...

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