Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 38 - Rayna, a new intern

Day 38.

Today a new Carnivore intern started- Rayna! She was there previously as a Cheetah intern, so knew some of the stuff already. She went with me all day and I showed her Carnivore things to do. We started by running to QB to pick up Brown Bear breakfasts. There are sometimes deer in there running around and today we saw a mom and her twins! ^_^

Maintenance was weed-eating at the Brown Bear exhibit, so they didn't get fed or put out until noon! We went to help put out enrichment at the Lions. Natasha is lethargic and threw up a couple times and didn't eat yesterday's meal! Benji, the vet, came to see her. She didn't eat tonight either (but sometimes she waits to eat anyway) and if she hasn't eaten in the night, or tomorrow night's meal, then they will knock her down Monday to check on her. HOPE SHE'S OKAY!

Rayna & I went to Black Bears to throw a snack to them. Ricky was still sleeping in one of the little caves. Cutie. :) We went back to Lion hut to clean together, then drop of the day's produce in the cooler at QB. After that it was time for a Lion 101, which we all (Sarah, Valerie, Rayna, & I) went to together. Rayna & I rode in the back of the truck with the guests and talked to them a bit, then I helped distract while Valerie trained. We didn't have very many chunks so I had to tease the Lions a lot.. :( On the drive back I saw one of the white peacocks laying in a mound of brown dirt. It looked pretty! haha.

Then the 4 of us went to finally let the Brown Bears out! Rayna & I rode in the bed of the truck- fun! We threw out their food in boxes and also had some cool whip to give them. ! I had to stay in Bear Tower then since we'd already sent the volunteer home. The girls & boys switched yards so both groups were very happy and active. The girls were swimming around the pond finding old things that the boys had sunk. At one point Claire grabbed something, backed up to the pond, and plopped in. :)

Then it was lunchtime for me (Rayna came to take over Bear Tower). While I was finishing up the Lawrence's saw me and visited a bit! ^_^

After lunch I picked up Rayna and the Brown Bear dinners and we went to clean the hut and set up the dinners in their rooms. Then we had to go put a bunch of donated fruit into the freezer- which felt good cuz we were so hot!

The end of the day was drawing near- so we went to close gates, then were told to put the Brown Bears up by ourselves! Actually Sarah came at the last minute and watched and then told us how impressed she was with the work we did today! YAY!

Bye for now...

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