Monday, July 19, 2010

Lion Tower & Good Bears

Day 36.

Today was Angela, Matt, & I. We went to put the Lions out and discovered that today's enrichment was supposed to be bloodsicles, so I ran to QB to get them while the other two checked fencelines and did the chores. Once I returned, I put out Keeno & Natasha's bloodsicles under their shelters, then we let the Lions out. Tau took a minute to sniff around and rub on the hallway fence- he's such a curious guy!

After letting them out it was time for me to head to Lion Tower for a full half-day shift! YAY!! I always tell them that I love doing towers, but they always find someone else to cover it, so I was excited today! I had to open the gates to the drive through to the Lion area and as I was pushing one of them open, Sarabi charged at the fence! I was standing right by it and jiggling the fence- she didn't seem to like the noise it made! She charged a few times and looked like she was having fun too. Tau walked by and looked at me, but was unaffected. I climbed up the ladder to sit in the tower and relax. Usually the Lions are all sleeping while I'm up there, but since it was morning, Tau & Sarabi were pretty active! They kept finding different toys to play with. :) I had put a pine branch on the roof of their little shelter yesterday (for Keeno & Natasha, but they didn't play with anything), and Tau decided to jump up and sit on the roof to play with it! It was so cute. He sat there for a couple minutes, then pushed the branch off and jumped off too. He spotted the small plastic culvert toy and bit that and pulled it around, and batted at it too. Sarabi thought that looked fun, so she came over to play and grabbed onto Tau's leg and pulled! Tau roared at her and she stopped and affectionately rubbed under his chin. Psh- thinks she can be mean and bossy and he'll always forgive her! (which he will) They paced around a little and found spots to lay down and sleep. Keeno was laying near his fence and watching them.

At 11am there was a Lion 101 encounter, so the Lions came down for a snack (except Natasha who is not food motivated). Angela took the opportunity to throw over Tau & Sarabi's bloodsicles. They both leapt after them and scratched and chewed them a little. I don't know if they finished fast or if they just got bored, then laid down and slept more. Sarabi did a bit of stalking birds (but didn't catch anything) and rolling around her bowling ball, but they mostly slept the remainder of my time in Lion Tower. I decided to plan out my family's visit next week (!), read my book, and call my prince charming. :) The next shift person showed up a little before 1, and I was able to take my hour lunch break and read some more! Everyone else already took lunches, so I had more relaxing alone time. All in all I got peaceful time until 2! Ahhhh...

I waited a little bit for Angela to get back from a Big Bear encounter that she'd done. While waiting I saw a squirrel scamper across the dirt office parking lot noisily. Angela dropped me off at QB to prepare all of the Bear and Lion dinners, which I do quite quickly now! I also cut up some meat chunks to use for Lion 101 encounters. That's what Angela was actually at, so when she finished she picked me up and we headed to Black Bears to feed them and clean a little. I scrubbed one of their plastic pools out and refilled it, then walked around that yard to pick up boxes from yesterday we'd given their food in. Sometimes I wonder if people driving by think, "well, THAT'S not a Black Bear!" when I'm in the exhibit yards. haha. Especially if the Black Bears are hiding!

We took so long cleaning and time was flying by, so we had to go quickly to Lions to let them in- which they all came in fast! Thank you Lions! We did take a minute to watch them and say goodnight, and hear caroling. Last thing to do was put Brown Bears in their hut! Matt drove along to make sure no guests were left and close gates, and I went in the hut to open the doors for the Bears. Victor took an extra couple of minutes while he checked out a den that one of the girls had dug in a hill, but they all went in fairly quickly. :) GOOD BEARS!

That was it! On our drive out we listened to the radio and "Wish" was playing! YAY! I always think of Alex singing that with me in the living room. ^_^

Bye for now...

1 comment:

  1. LOL. "Well THAT'S not a Black Bear!"

    What book are you reading? :)

    What is this "Wish" song?
